Our mission is to support the tenets of democracy and human rights and promote the improvement of the human condition.


Our vision is to bring together, assist, and raise the consciousness of individuals and institutions working for people to exercise their fundamental rights, live in peace, and improve their living standards. We also wish to help lift the voices and enhance the well-being of those affected by economic and social injustices.


Lifting People, Lifting Voices

Liberia First Political Action Committee (LiftSPAC) is a not-for-profit social, political, and humanitarian organization registered in the United States of America and the Republic of Liberia. LiftSPAC’s primary aims and objectives are to help promote those things that help improve the human condition, encourage the frank exchange of ideas that are geared toward building an enabling society, create an environment that is based on understanding, tolerance, acceptance, and the spirit of healthy competition, and to promote the ideals, of economic and social justice.

LiftSPAC believes that for people to participate in improving their conditions, they must know their society, the events, and activities that affect them, and they should be free to participate.

Part of LiftSPAC’s Goals is to work collaboratively with individuals and institutions to build a society grounded in fairness, transparency, integrity, respect for the rule of law, and the commitment to Liberia’s interest first and foremost.
In so doing, LiftSPAC will proactively engage in activities to help raise the citizenry's consciousness and help foster an environment in which people will make informed decisions and meaningfully participate in nation-building.

LiftSPAC’s membership reflects the makeup of our community. We are fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, and neighbors committed to a better Liberia. In other words, we are ordinary human beings like those we work with, and we all serve in extraordinary capacities.

Since LiftSPAC’s establishment in 2022, the organization has established chapters or cells across Liberia to help carry out some of the tasks the organization has set out to achieve. There are chapters in Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Bong, Grand Gedeh, and Sinoe Counties. The chapters are headed by Coordinators who are diligently committed to the mission and vision of LiftSPAC.

LiftSPAC welcomes the challenges of providing the highest quality of services to the people of Liberia and, in the long run, to the rest of humanity.

LiftSPAC is a pro-democracy, human rights, and social organization founded on August 25, 2022.

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